Saturday, June 23, 2012

Do La La, Du La La: Episode 1

For the past couple of days, I've been watching nonstop on YouTube the romantic comedic Chinese drama, Du Lala's Promotion or A Story of Lala's Promotion (杜拉拉升职记). Have to say, this is one of the better Chinese modern dramas I've seen so far as it relates many realistic events and situations that happen in the workplace. I've been watching it over and over again because I really think it's relevant especially for someone like me who's about to enter the workforce soon.
Cast for this drama is gorgeous! I actually found out about this drama while I was pursuing sites talking and featuring Hawthorn Love. I'll talk about that drama another time. What caught my eye though wasn't really the plot or story, it was actually the main lead and couple. Yes, this drama features Wang Luodan and Li Guanjie. Typically, dramas with similar couples and leads catch my eye so I decided to take a chance and see what this is all about even though from the title, it sounded a little ridiculous. Before I actually begin my episode-to-episode review, let's look first at the two main characters:

Du LaLa (杜拉拉): In the beginning, Lala is an entry-level employee at a small marketing firm. She manages to catch the attention of Wang Wei, marketing director at DB (large firm) during a career fair though she left a funny yet disturbing impression on HR. She is extremely naive in relationships and tries to see the good in everyone. Lala's greatest attribute is she tries to befriend her coworkers who are also trying to gain rank and pull one over her. Throughout the entire series, Lala matures as an individual seeking her position and value in the DB.

Wang Wei (王伟): He is the marketing director of DB. In the beginning, Wei holds an prestigious position in both the firm and the industry. He is known for his notorious charismatic skills as a playboy. After meeting Lala and seeing her endearing though sometimes frustratingly naive ways, he changes and attempts to build a stable life just for her. He does have many secrets with regards to his past, one involving his ex-wife, Daisy. He loves to constantly tease Lala though he truly loves her. 

The drama opens with Lala rushing to work in Shanghai, barely arriving in time.Breathing a sigh of relief, she attempts to go to her desk, but her boss calls her out in the lobby, asking her to accompany him. In the car, he harasses her forcing her to realize she needs to find a better job.Going home,he introduces herself saying she was born in 1979 on December 31 and that she has graduated from college for almost 2 years now making only 3000 RMB (about $500 a month). Nonetheless, she is hopeful that she will become blossom from an ugly ducking to a swan in the workplace. Apparently, Lala lives with her best friend XiaHong. Xiahong lives as a simple house maker,cooking and cleaning while Lala is at work. Lala does have a boyfriend of almost 5 years, Li Haoming. When Lala mentions him, Xia Hong becomes extremely nervous... something fishy is going on between her and Li Haoming.

There is an award ceremony for Person of Year. Lala's boyfriend, Li Haoming is sitting, hoping to win the award but it goes to Wang Wei of DB Company. Wei says a thankful speech but then invites all his competitors onto the stage with him (he says winning the award is meaningless had it not been for the level of competition). Jealously, Li Haoming stands next to Wang Wei and the two murmur words of rivalry as camera lights flick on and off. Afterwards, Wei is accosted by Scott, a DB director, to make an appearance at the career fair. Although he does not appreciate being forced to attend such an event, Wei decides to go as a favor to Scott. 

At the fair, there is an abundance of people, all eager to find jobs with DB. Lala sees the crowd and though nervous, she heads straight into the crowd waving her folder only to have it hit Wei in the face. Annoyed, Wei walks off as Lala attempts to make her way through the crowd to the tables. At the tables, she realizes how much of a disadvantage is facing at not knowing the positions available at the firms. Somehow, she makes it to the DB table where a group of people are clustered around the HR department and somehow throws herself onto the table. The man at the desk (named to be revealed later on in the series) looks at her resume and seems extremely reluctant given Lala's experience. Lala however, is interested at the man standing to the side who is Wei. She apologizes immensely for hitting him but Wei is uninterested. Instead, he's more interested in that HR guy has left the table with Lala's resume still at the table and jokingly tells her than her one of her shirt's buttons are open and that her bra is showing. Horrified, Lala fixes her shirt and rushes back into the crowd to submit her resume. 
Apparently, Li Haoming and Xia Hong are secretly dating behind Lala's back. Xia Hong feels extremely guilty as Lala is her best friend. Li Haoming however, seems to only care about continuing their clandestine relationship. Li Haoming tells her it's time for them to find their happiness. He then tells Xia Hong how he came to be drawn to her - her cooking and how it reminded him of home. 

Meanwhile, Wang Wei is out visiting the bars where he meets his ex-wife of two years, 
Daisy, sitting alone at the tables. He reluctantly goes to sit with her, asking what's bothering her. She tries to order a glass of wine when Wei tells her that after the divorce, he stopped drinking red wine. Wei attempts to comfort her only to hear her say her American boyfriend is moving home and that he packed her stuff before even telling her. She also had to pay the moving crew herself. Feeling a bit sorry for her, Wei decides on helping her once more.

Lala returns home excited to try Xia Hong's latest cooking only to see both Xia Hong and Li Haoming sitting at the table awkwardly. Sadden, she asks why Haoming hasn't called to tell her he was coming. Haoming apologizes for his bad attitude the other day as it was late and he was tired. Lala plans on reprimanding him but seeing the flowers mistakes them as for her and decides on forgiving him. Lala begins eating dinner when Haoming decides on ending his relationship with Lala and ends ups revealing his relationship with Xia Hong. Lala couldn't believe how this could happen especially since both Xia Hong and Lala promised each other they would tell each other everything. Xia Hong feels extremely guilty but Li Haoming simply says Xia Hong is the type of woman he likes. He realizes that the person he loves is Xia Hong. Lala runs off in tears. 

Recklessly, Lala crosses the street and is almost hit by a car. The car swerves and ends up hitting a tree. Turns out, the car is Wei's and he furiously yells at Lala's insanity for running into the middle of the street. Realizing that it's the same girl who hit him at the fair, he tells Lala she is extremely unlucky. Lala begins crying and yells that all men are the same, leaving Wei standing in shock. The next day at work later, she receives a call (from the same HR guy, name for later!) for an interview with DB at Monday at 10 AM. 

Lala is stoke with happiness but enters DB with apprehension and excitement. At the front desk, she meets Helen the receptionist and has a brief encounter with Vivian, one of the executives. Vivian takes Lala to the interview room, fixes Lala's collar, and tells her to be confident in the interview. On her way, she walks past Daisy. At the interview she meets Rose, the head of the administration department and to her horror... Wang Wei, the marketing director. After welcoming Lala to the interview, Wei presents Lala with a simple task: in 2 minutes, split a cake into 8 pieces, with 1 piece remaining in the box. The tools provided consist of a cake knife, 8 plates, 1 pen, and 1 piece of paper. Lala begins drawing on the paper the ways she can split the cake. At the 1 minute mark, she grabs the cake knife and begins cutting the cake, shocking both Rose and Wei. After finishing, she explains to both that the 1st 7 pieces will be given in plates while the last piece will be given together with the box. Wei chuckles and says that everyone who has taken the test simply told the answer; Lala is the first to actually cut the cake. Rose is uncertain of Lala's performance. Lala asks if the position requires her to work with Wei. Wei says no and that he doesn't want her to. He just needs 2 people to be acting in support of the department. Since the project he's handling is urgent he asks when she can begin. Lala is shocked that "simply cutting a cut" got her a position. Rose reminds her that just because 2 people are working as marketing assistants does not mean the position is permanent; there is still the trial 3 month period. 

Lala leaves in excitement, buying a new pair of high heels to celebrate. On her way to the cashier, she finds a lost wallet on the floor and tries to return it to the salespeople who tell her to bring it to the counter. Unfortunately, she gets in line and is mistaken by the owner to having used the "lost" wallet to pay for her goods. Ironically, the wallet belongs to none other than Daisy!

From the photos, you can see that the lovely Rose in admin is played by none other than Flora Chan! As a child, I used to see her featured in Hong Kong dramas. How great is it that she's back in Chinese dramas! More to update about Dulala later!

The Melodist

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