Saturday, June 16, 2012

Middle C

Every piece of music begins with a note. On the piano, the most common and important note is Middle C. This is the key used by many songs because it is the simplest (no sharps & flats!) and because this very note marks the center of the piano, the beginning of music. I am the Melodist and I welcome all of you to my humble and first (of many!) blog. Please feel free to comment any time on what is written. Occasionally you will see that the blog will have interludes filled with my thought of the day or maybe even a link to a tune created by moi. I do love a good laugh here and now so jokes and comments are always welcome!

So Middle C: a special note with special properties. Centered at the piano and situated between mother C (high C) and daddy C (low C). It is special because over the course of a piece, the note develop into something whether higher or lower. In almost every way, we humans are "middle Cs". How could this even be?

Today I had the pleasure of witnessing a friend's graduation. Four years ago, his parents come to California bidding him farewell,  wishing him a bright future in college. For a brief time, his entrance into college brought our families closer as we regularly contacted each other to support him during the transition from out-of-state. Imagine the honor and privilege we felt today, watching this student walk across center stage to receive his diploma.

After his graduation, the cheer party (or what I dube the "C" party) dined at the Cheesecake Factory in Los Angeles. Accosted by the warmth and attentive service provided by the lovely waitress Julie, our group dined in Italian elegance while discussing engaging topics ranging from the next "hit" wave in the job market to cellular tissue of the human body.  Although the entire activity (from graduation to luncheon) took nearly the entire day, exhausting everyone old and young, the experience in of itself was fulfilling and inspiring just to see this young man progress into the next phase of his life. Although his years in college are now part of memory, I continue to wish this young man a wonderful future. I have no doubts he will go far in life and achieve his dreams. I wish onto him all the gifts that God has bestowed me and hope he makes wise decisions through the perils of life. 

Without a doubt, I can say that it is hard moving from one note to another just as it is to place one foot in front of the other in life. But if everyone were to stand still, never moving, never taking the risk to challenge and play something new other than "Middle C", music can never be played. Sometimes, it is the greatest risk we take, the imagination we used to move across song that makes life and music so enriching. 

Hence, I challenge you, my readers, to make something special come out of your life and tune whether today or tomorrow, to take the chance and take a leap of faith in sharing and enriching others with your music, and to always reach for those notes (or dreams) that seem impossible to reach. Perhaps if you dream big enough, the tune you whistle today may become the next popular hit of tomorrow.

The Melodist

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